The second worst airline in the world according to the Daily Mail. This is not in defense of Royal Jordanian (RJ) but more of an attempt to understand; the AirHelp report (click here for the report) covers seventy two (72) airlines and RJ ranked seventy one (71). This is not a very flattering ranking but then the world has more than 72 airlines.
The rankings are based on:
On time Performance; RJ's score is 8.3 (83% on time performance);
Quality of Service; RJ's score is 6.3;
Claim Processing; RJ's score is 0.8.
For a total score of 5.13, the sad thing is that this ranking has deteriorated over the last year or so.
In Summer 2016 RJ ranked 48 out of 78 airlines with a score of 6.73 (7.3, 6.0 and 6.9)
In Autumn 2016 RJ ranked 59 out of 79 with a score of 6.33 (8.1, 6.0 and 4.9)
In Winter 2016/2017 RJ ranked 76 out of 87 with a score of 5.67 (8.0, 6.0 and 3.1)
From Summer 2016 to date RJ worked on improving on time performance and quality. However, Claims Processing went from 6.9 to 0.8 with a steady deterioration with every report. Either AirHelp got it wrong or Royal Jordanian just became oblivious to passenger claims and complaints and just did not care. Following social media; complaints are on the rise and I am sure so are claims for compensation which appear to follow on deaf ears.
In 2017 the airline went on a social media blitz that earned it top awards and I am sure improved its brand recognition. In 2017 RJ leased an old beat up B737 to help with peak traffic which created a storm of complaints; which I am sure contributed to this (0.8) score. Well, in 2018 RJ did the same again showing complete insensitivity to their passengers views. I am sure whatever savings the airline is hoping to make will be offset by passengers choosing other carriers.